Conan Doyle - The Sign of For ( Sherlock Holmes )


Araştırma Görevlisi
Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 2673 A young lady named Mary Morstan comes to consult Holmes upon a case which she assures him is very unusual. Miss Morstan’s father disappeared some years previously under suspicious circumstances. He had obtained twelve months leave from his Indian regiment and sent word to her to meet him at his hotel. Whilst the hotel confirmed that he was staying there they informed Miss Morstan that he had gone out and not returned. Enquiries at the time produced no result. A few years after this disappearance an advertisement appeared in a paper asking for Miss Morstan to reveal her address. Upon the advice of her employer she did so and that same day she received a valuable pearl in the post. Since then she has received one pearl a year for the last six years.

Miss Morstan has now received a letter which urges her to meet with the sender that night. The anonymous sender permits her to bring two friends as long as they are not police.

Genre: detective
Length: medium
Total words: 11460

Film version: The Sign of Four (2001)

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Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 2672

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