Cümle Tamamlama 2014 İlkbahar YDS (SENTENCE COMPLETION-1 By SAİT HOCA)


Many people assume the physical basis of language lies in the lips, the tongue, or the ear, ----.

A) because people who have no capacity to use their vocal cords can still comprehend language

B) whereas human sign language is an infinitely creative system just like spoken forms of language

C) so the basis of sign language is not in the hand, just as spoken language is not based in the lips or tongue

D) even if there are many people who lose both the ability to write as well as to express themselves using sign-language

E) but deaf and mute people can also possess language fully
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E diyorum hocam. anlamı daha yakın geldi. bir de virgülden sonra but kullanımını birçok yerde gördüm.tabi doğru olmayabilir de :)


sevgili panzehir65, şıkların başında yer alan because, whereas, so, even if de virgülden sonra gelir. Cevabın virgülle bir ilişkisi bulunmuyor. Tamamen anlamdan çıkacak bu tür sorularda. Zaten artık yds de bu soru tipine döndü.