Yakın Anlamlı Cümle Restatement-4


In the 1960s, the emergence of new black nations in Africa and the Caribbean was paralleled by the civil rights movement of the blacks in America.

A) So many new black nations emerged in the 1960s in Africa and the Caribbean that the American blacks were influenced by them and soon began to fight for their civil rights.

B) When new black nations came into being in the 1960s in Africa and the Caribbean, also the blacks in America started the civil rights movement.

C) In the 1960s, the American blacks were so encouraged by the rise of various black nations in Africa and the Caribbean that they all joined in the civil rights movement.

D) The civil rights movement, started by the blacks in America in the 1960s, was largely inspired by the rise of new African and Caribbean nations.

E) The civil rights movement of the American blacks in the 1960s was extremely influenced by the new nations that had emerged in Africa and the Caribbean.


B şıkkı mıdır?

4 şıkta, olayların birbirine bağlı yaşandığından, fakat B şıkkında ikisininde aynı ana denk geldiğinden bahsetmiş.
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