Elizabeth Laird - The House on The Hill


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Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 2523 It was a beautiful summer evening. Paul wanted to be write and work for newspaper. Paul lived in a small town and he was soon outside in the country. Suddenly, he saw the girl. She was very beautiful. Her name Maria. She lived in the big white house. Maria was rich, and he was poor. Paul and Maria was love. The next day, they were meet again by the river. Maria looked sad but Paul didn’t notice. Paul ask to her to marry. But Maria turned and ran away. Next day, a man in a servant’s uniform took Paul to the house on the hill. He looked at the woman. She is Maria’s mother. She said,” Maria is going to be married with a rich man in two weeks”. For many days, he often to went to the river and sat there alone. One day, he saw a headline in the newspaper. There was an advertisement about competition short story. Paul wrote the story out carefully and sent it to the newspaper. Two weeks later, a letter come from newspaper…

Level: elementary
Genre: love story
Length: shortest
Total words: 2989

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Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 2524