Discussing Sensitive Topics


Araştırma Görevlisi
Bringing up a sensitive topic
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Can I ask you something?
Do you mind if I ask you something?
I need to talk to you for a minute.
I have to tell you something.
There's something I need to tell you.
There's something I think you should know.
We need to talk.

Prefacing a negative subject
I don't mean to be rude, but . . .
I hate to tell you this, but . . .
I don't know how to tell you this, but . . .
You might not like what I have to say, but . . .
I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but . . .
This may be unpleasant, but . . .
This may seem blunt, but . . .

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